9+ Reverent Live Nativity Scene Locations Every Christmas Needs

There is a reason for the season, and we have a list of Live Nativity Scenes around Georgia.

We love visiting Santa and seeing the Christmas lights, but several years ago I decided we needed to do something that represented the real reason for Christmas. I set out to find a live nativity near me, but it wasn’t as easy as you might think. Now, we’ve found quite a few to share with you.

All of these activities are held outside and free unless otherwise noted.

13 Reverent Live Nativity Scene Locations Every Christmas Needs



12025 Highway 36 | Covington | (706) 786-5985
When: December 6-7, 2024 from 6pm to 8:30pm; December 8, 2024 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Christmas Alive! is a FREE, drive-thru nativity town event at High Point Baptist Church in Covington. You don’t want to miss this live, narrated nativity experience featuring live animals (camel, llamas and other animals), scenes with actors, music and much more!

From the comfort of your car, drive through their LIVE nativity production with narration that shares the story from birth to resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Alive is presented at High Point Baptist Church, located on the church campus at 12025 Hwy 36 in Covington, GA (corner of Hwy 36 and Henderson Mill Rd, just a few miles south of Covington Bypass).


2300 Jamerson Road | Marietta | (770) 928-0050
Dates: December 7-9, 2024

Each year since 1992, Mountain View UMC in Marietta, GA, has presented this interactive event to the community.

You can walk through the streets of Bethlehem and haggle with the shopkeepers, sign the census and pay your taxes to Caesar Augustus’s tax collector. You can also sample the fine dried fruits, enjoy a tasty cup of hot apple cider, and try out the freshly made bread samples at the bakery.

At the end of your journey you will find God’s most precious gift. His newborn son will be wrapped in swaddling clothes and found in the stable on the edge of town.


2106 Old Pendergrass Rd | Jefferson | (706) 387-0003
Date: December 13, 14, 15 and 18, 2024

Hope Crossings Church in Jefferson has live nativity shows perfect for families. Each evening has two identical shows at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., each lasting about 20 minutes. This outdoor live nativity program depicting the birth of Jesus suitable for all ages, so please dress appropriately and bring a blanket just in case.

Live animals such as sheep, llamas, and a donkey help their actors portray the events. Kids are welcome to pet the animals before and after each show with their guardian’s supervision.

Seating is available in the form of hay bales for an authentic experience! Feel free to bring blankets to cover the hay.

Complimentary hot chocolate and cookies will be provided at “The Inn.” Be sure to pick up your family’s keepsake ornament from this great community church on your way out.


4500 Jones Bridge Circle | Norcross | (770) 441-2181
Dates: December 13, 14, and 15, 2024

Mark your Calendars for this great Christmas tradition at Simpsonwood Park.  There is nothing quite like the village of Bethlehem – re-enacted as it was as a small village for Jesus’ birth. 

Children will be mesmerized by the gold, frankincense, and Myrrh – particularly as it sparkles in flames.  They will get up close with camels, sheep, donkeys, and cows as they imagine the grueling trip that Mary took on the back of a donkey. 

They will hear stories around the campfire, see the money changers in action and investigate the King David Inn.  There is a bakery, fur shop – and the favorite grape stompers. 

Plan an outing with your extended family, and don’t forget to bring canned goods for the Neighborhood Cooperative ministry. 


680 W. Memorial Drive | Dallas | (770) 443-0566
Date: TBD (The following is from 2023.)

About 45 minutes west of Atlanta, you’ll find St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, which features a living nativity re-enactment and town of Bethlehem with shops.  You’ll find shops such as a basket weaving shop, bread shop, herb shop, a blacksmith who will be doing some demonstrations and a few other shops as well.

They have a children’s crafting corner where the kids can create holiday crafts. They also have a spot where children can meet and greet St. Nick!

The Red Apron Cafe is open for dinner, and the Christmas Craft Marketplace will be going on in conjunction with the event. They will have carolers singing classic holiday tunes, hot cocoa and marshmallow roasting available as well.


2428 Main Street East | Snellville | (770) 972-9360
Date: TBD (The following info is from 2023.)

Take a journey to Bethlehem accompanied by a family traveling to pay their taxes at Snellville United Methodist Church.

Along the way, they’ll tell you the story of Jesus’ birth as the Wise Men, Shepherds & other Biblical Characters bring the true story of Christmas to life!

Experience this free and family-friendly outdoor Live Nativity and hear how their stories unwrap the greatest gift of all. Take pictures with live animals, including a camel. Enjoy hot chocolate and festive fun!


3725 Powers Ferry Rd. | Atlanta | (404) 237-6060
Date: TBD (The following info is from 2022.)

This is a great, laid-back production complete with camels, goats, and a furry bunny at Sardis United Methodist Church.

The dramatic presentation of the story of Jesus’ birth features live animals and all the characters from the Christmas Story. The Sardis Live Nativity has become a tradition. They will also serve cookies & hot chocolate.

This event is FREE and fun for all ages! Donations are gratefully accepted but not expected.

A perfect way to celebrate the holiday season — you’ll be singing Christmas carols all the way home.



Callaway Gardens | Pine Mountain
Dates: November 15, 2024 – January 4, 2025

After viewing Callaway Gardens Fantasy in Lights, sit around Robin Lake Beach and enjoy Twas’ The Night before Christmas and The Nativity, light and sound shows. Although technically not a live nativity, it does entice passers-by to stop, reflect and enjoy.


North Georgia Zoo | Cleveland
Dates: November 30, 2024

A Live Nativity will be set up at the North Georgia Zoo in Cleveland so you can remember the “Reason for the Season.”

The Holiday Celebration at the North Georgia Zoo includes Starry Night Safari Hayride, Live Nativity Scene, and Holiday Festival. They also offer add-ons, such as Ornament Painting with Penguin Meet & Greet, or a Picnic with Santa and animal friend.

There will be Christmas Music, ​Hot Cocoa, and Marshmallows!  Fun for the whole family!


130 Gordon Commercial Drive | LaGrange | (706) 885-0363
Dates: November 1 through December 21, 2024

Join the Biblical History Museum in LaGrange for The Birth of Hope tours (reservations required).

The Birth of Hope tour focuses on Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, why Mary was turned away from the inn, and what the first nativity scene may have actually looked like.


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9+ Reverent Live Nativity Scene Locations Every Christmas Needs