11+ Awesome Summer Reading Programs Your Kids Will Love

Summer reading programs have introduced my children to some faithful companions, like Jack, Annie, Percy, Harry, Frank, Joe, Amy, Skippyjon Jones, Pete, and more.

We love summer reading programs at our house! Each summer, several organizations host summer reading programs that offer incentives to get children reading. We’ve gathered up info on 11+ summer reading programs that your kids will love.



Summer Reading at the Library. This is what got me addicted to reading as a child — the summer reading programs offered at the local library. Most local libraries have a summer reading program, and many offer fun little prizes for kids who complete a certain number of books. Our local library has offered small toys, books, buttons, and Kids Meal coupons for the local Chick-fil-A. Find out more information at Georgia Libraries.

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. Scholastic Books offers Scholastic Home Base, a completely free digital destination which offers stories, characters, games, and a community of readers. Kids can keep track of their summer reading online while earning digital experiences along the way.

Georgia’s Summer Reading Challenge. Summer reading is critical, not only for helping kids maintain learning while school is out, but also for fostering social-emotional development, discovering the joy of stories, and elevating the importance of lifelong learning. This challenge encourages kids to read 15-30 minutes a day over the summer.

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program. Students in grades 1-6 can read eight books and receive a FREE book from a pre-determined list.

Books a Million Summer Reading Program. Unlike other programs, the Books a Million summer reading program has specific reading lists to choose from. Read any four books from the Summer Reading Challenge lists that are broken up by age, complete the log book, and receive a prize.

Half Price Books Summer Reading Program. Half Price Books hosts a Summer Reading Camp for kids that includes gift card giveaways on social media for kids who read for at least 300 minutes during June and July. Their website also has printable coloring sheets, craft ideas, reading lists, a scavenger hunt, and more.

Camp Book It. A personal pan pizza for reading?! Memory unlocked! Track and reward your kids’ reading for June, July and August with this digital dashboard. When they meet their monthly reading goal, they’ll receive a free one-topping Personal Pan Pizza® from Pizza Hut…just like the good ole days!

Chuck E. Cheese. To incentivize your kids to read, promise them one of these printable Chuck E. Cheese calendars to earn game points. The Reading Rewards calendar gives them 10 free play points if they read a little every day for 2 weeks.

Little Shop of Stories is an independent children’s bookstore in Decatur, GA, that offers a summer reading challenge for kids each year. Check to see if your local bookstore is offering something similar!


  • Get Georgia Reading. Get free digital books through Get Georgia Reading. Through a partnership between Get Georgia Reading  – Georgia Campaign for Grade Level Reading and myON, all educators, librarians, students and parents in Georgia have free access to over 8,000 enhanced digital books.
  • Mayor’s Summer Reading Club. The Mayor’s Summer Reading Club (MSRC) is a program for children ages birth to five and their families that takes place in various locations throughout the City of Atlanta each summer. 



Free Books for Young ChildrenDolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a program that ​mails children a free book each month from birth up until 5 years old. The program is only available in certain areas.

Free Books for Teens. SYNC makes available two FREE audiobook downloads every week, to each and every registered listener, all summer. Teens, librarians, club leaders, and educators may sign up for email or text alerts and can learn more at www.audiobooksync.com. To participate, download the OverDriveApp to your device of choice. The title is only available for that week, so make sure to download it. Once it is downloaded, you can listen to it whenever you like.

Free Books for Adults. The OverDriveApp is great for adults too. Download it to your favorite device and you can borrow digital books from your local library. Note: You will need your library card to complete the application.

Kindle Books. A Kindle is a great way to pack a lot of books for a long ride or a vacation without taking up a lot of space. Right now you can join Amazon Kindle Unlimited for a 30-day FREE trial (after that there is a monthly fee) you can read over 1 million ebooks and listen to thousands of audio books free!


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11+ Awesome Summer Reading Programs Your Kids Will Love